The left-right twin Higgs model (LRTHM) predicts the existence of the top partner T . In this work, we make a systematic investigation for the single and pair production of this top partner T through the processes: e + e − → tT + Tt and T T , the neutral scalar (the SM-like Higgs boson h or neutral pseudoscalar boson φ 0 ) associate productions e + e − → tT h + Tth, T T h, tT φ 0 + Ttφ 0 and T T φ 0 . From the numerical evaluations for the production cross sections and relevant phenomenological analysis we find that (a) the production rates of these processes, in the reasonable parameter space, can reach the level of several or tens of femtobarns; (b) for some cases, the peak value of the resonance production cross section can be enhanced significantly and reaches to the level of pb; (c) the subsequent decay of T → φ + b → tbb may generate typical phenomenological features rather different from the signals from other new physics models beyond the standard model (SM); and (d) since the relevant SM background is generally not large, some signals of the top partner T predicted by the LRTHM may be detectable in the future ILC and CLIC experiments.