Storages and cycling of total mercury (Hg T ), methylmercury (MeHg), and Hg 0 are described for Spring Lake, a small bog lake in the Marcell Experimental Forest in north-central Minnesota. We quantified photoredox transformations, MeHg photolysis, burial to the sediments, and internal and external loadings of Hg T and MeHg. Atmospheric deposition was the main input of Hg T ; MeHg was supplied by a combination of atmospheric, near-shore wetland, and biotic (methylation) sources. Hg T outputs were dominated by burial (67%), and Hg 0 evasion accounted for 26% of Hg T outputs. The watershed of Spring Lake is small (3.7· lake surface area), and accordingly, bog and upland runoff were minor contributors to both Hg T and MeHg inputs. Wet deposition was *9% of total MeHg input, and other external inputs (runoff, sediment porewater) provided only an additional 7%, indicating that internal production of MeHg was occurring in the lake. Photolysis of MeHg, measured in the field and laboratory, removed *3· the lake mass of MeHg (20 mg) annually, and was the dominant sink for MeHg. Residence times of MeHg and Hg T in the lake were 48 and 61 days, respectively, during the open-water season, compared with only 8 days for the residence time of MeHg on settling particles (seston). Photoreduction of Hg 2+ to Hg 0 was greater than the reverse reaction (Hg 0 photooxidation), and the residence time of Hg 0 in the photic zone was short (hours). Data from this study show active cycling of all the measured species of mercury (Hg T , MeHg, and Hg 0 ) and the importance of MeHg photolysis and photo-redox processes.