The transmission of pathogens through contact with contaminated surfaces is an important route for the spread of infections. The recent outbreak of COVID-19 highlights the necessity to attenuate surface-mediated transmission. Currently, the disinfection and sanitization of surfaces are commonly performed in this regard. However, there are some disadvantages associated with these practices, including the development of antibiotic resistance, viral mutation, etc.; hence, a better strategy is necessary. In recent years, peptides have been studied to be utilized as a potential alternative. They are part of the host immune defense and have many potential in vivo applications in drug delivery, diagnostics, immunomodulation, etc. Additionally, the ability of peptides to interact with different molecules and membrane surfaces of microorganisms has made it possible to exploit them in ex vivo applications such as antimicrobial (antibacterial and antiviral) coatings. Although antibacterial peptide coatings have been studied extensively and proven to be effective, antiviral coatings are a more recent development. Therefore, this study aims to highlight antiviral coating strategies and the current practices and application of antiviral coating materials in personal protective equipment, healthcare devices, and textiles and surfaces in public settings. Here, we have presented a review on potential techniques to incorporate peptides in current surface coating strategies that will serve as a guide for developing cost-effective, sustainable and coherent antiviral surface coatings. We further our discussion to highlight some challenges of using peptides as a surface coating material and to examine future perspectives.