The functional unit of the Na,K-ATPase consists of a catalytic ␣ subunit noncovalently linked with a glycoprotein subunit, . Using ouabain binding assays and immunoprecipitation of rodent ␣͞ complexes, we show here that all six possible isozymes between three ␣ and two  isoforms can be formed in Xenopus oocytes. Two isoformspecific differences in ␣͞ interactions are observed: (i) ␣1͞1 and ␣2͞2 complexes, in contrast to ␣1͞2 complexes, are stable against Triton X-100-mediated dissociation, and (ii) 2 subunits must carry N-glycans to combine with ␣1 but not with ␣2. The interacting surfaces are mainly exposed to the extracellular side because coexpression of a truncated 1 subunit comprising the ectodomain results in assembly with ␣1 and ␣2, but not with ␣3; the 2 ectodomain combines with ␣2 only. A chimera consisting of 81% and 19% of the ␣1 N terminus and ␣2 C terminus, respectively, behaves like ␣2 and coprecipitates with the 2 ectodomain. In contrast, the reciprocal chimera does not coprecipitate with the 2 ectodomain. These results provide evidence for a selective interaction of Na,K-ATPase ␣ and  subunits.The Na,K-ATPase is a heterodimer consisting of a 110-kDa ␣ subunit that is noncovalently linked with a glycoprotein  subunit (protein core, 33-35 kDa). The ␣ subunit is the catalytic active part and bears the site for ATP hydrolysis, the binding sites for Na ϩ , K ϩ , and cardiac glycosides (1). The ␣ subunit spans the membrane several times. The  subunit exposes a short N-terminal tail to the cytoplasm and the majority of its mass at the extracellular surface. It confers conformational stability to the ␣ subunit during or after assembly in the endoplasmic reticulum and is needed for routing of the enzyme to the plasma membrane (2-5).Three ␣ isoforms (␣1, ␣2, and ␣3) and two  isoforms (1 and 2) have been identified in mammals and birds, each encoded by a separate gene (6). The ␣ isoforms show more than 80% homology even for very diverse species. The two  isoforms have only about 40% amino acid sequence identity within the same species. Sequences encoding a mammalian 3 isoform have been deposited in the GenBank database. Both ␣ and  isoforms display complex patterns of tissue-specific and developmental expression (7,8).All six possible ␣͞ isozymes are formed from the three ␣ and two  isoforms of birds (9) and mammals (this work) in vitro, supporting the assumption that different isozymes exist in vivo (10, 11). Hybrid Na,K-pumps are readily formed from ␣1 and 1 subunits of virtually all species investigated (for a review, see ref. 12). The 1 isoform can even be replaced by the  subunit of the H,K-pump to yield a functional Na,Kpump (13).Protein domains involved in ␣1͞1 interactions have only partially been identified. Deletion of the cytoplasmic domain and part of the transmembrane domain of chicken 1 does not disturb assembly as long as the truncated mutants are inserted into the membrane (14). Chimeric 1 subunits containing the N terminus and the membrane spanning domain...