Particle losses much larger than given by the equilibrium theory have always been observed in the low-density range of thermally ionized magnetoplasmas in a Q-device. This could be attributed either to anomalous radial losses or to enhanced end-plate recombination. Our previous experiments with Ba in "narrow-beam illumination" and quiescent state have indicated an enhanced surface recombination rather than anomalous diffusion to be responsible for the additional losses.In this paper, a series of results with Cs, Ba, Sr, and Li plasmas is presented and compared with the theory of Part I, which deals with enhanced surface recombination. It is found that the intrinsic loss processes are surface recombination -as described in Part I -and classical diffusion. Additionally, enhanced losses across the magnetic field may occur, e.g. in a non-quiescent state, or in the presence of azimuthal temperature gradients on the end plates in broad-beam illumination.