Rice is the main food crop consumed by no less than 270 million of Indonesians. The provision of the main food (rice) in the future the challenge is getting heavier. Research on the characterization of grain and rice quality of five superior varieties of rice, namely Inpari 32, Inpari 42, Inpari 45, Inpari Nutrizinc, and Pamelen. Research was conducted from August until October 2021 in post-harvest laboratory AIAT East Java Malang, using a group design with 5 replicates. Grain quality anaysis includes weight, moisture content, rice yield, density, length/width ratio, and colour. While rice quality includes thick, length/width ratio, yield, whole grains, head grain, broken grain, damaged grain, and rice organoleptic test. Grain and rice quality analysis based on SNI. Result shown that Inpari 32, Inpari 45, and Pamelen grains weight greater than others. Inpari 42, Nutrizinc, and Pamelen varieties slimmer than others. However, Inpari 32 showed the highest rice yield, which was 70.13%, while the lowest rice was shown by the Inpari Nutrizinc variety at 64.87%. Based on the precentage of broken grain, 5 rice varieties can be catagorized as medium grade 1, 2, and 3. Based on organoleptic test of five varieties by panelist with an average score of 5.