The productivity of improved pastures in Australia's southeastern grazing regions is now bclievcd to be in a sture of long-terni decline. As yer, therc is little economie evidence to support this perception. The analysis reported in this paper secks to examine improved pasture Productivity change l'rom an economie standpoint in a major Australian grazing area, The analysis rests on the central proposition that the productivity of the livestock enterprises is a direct rcflection of pasture productivity. Using both index nurnber and econometrie mcthods, the results indicate that while the annual growth in livestock and hence, improved pasture produciivity has been positive over the period, thore has been a significant decline in legume pasture productivity. Because thèse pastures comprise the bulk of improved pastures, the livestock productivity of ail improvcd pasturcs has dcclined in recent ycars. In contrast, the growth in livestock productivity l'mm the perennial grass pastures continues to be high. The main l'casons for legume pasture Iivestock productivity decline appcar to he varions important hiological problems and the long-terni decline in the farmers' terms-of-trade. Puhlished hy Elsevier Science B.V.