Blockchain is a term in the field of information technology. In essence, it is a shared database, and the data or information stored in it has the characteristics of “unforgeable,” “full traces,” “traceable,” “open and transparent,” and “collective maintenance.” Based on these characteristics, blockchain technology has laid a solid “trust” foundation, created a reliable “cooperation” mechanism, and has broad application prospects. This paper is aimed at studying a method in view of the integrate of system analysis and system simulation to solve the problems in the production and distribution (P&D) system in the supply chain, proposing a more realistic optimization plan, and then promoting it to various enterprises. This article proposes the idea of using supply chain management, through system analysis, system simulation, case analysis, and comparative research methods, starting from the strategic level, tactical level, and operation level of supply chain management to optimize the P&D system. Pay attention to the P&D system issues in the supply chain environment, and apply the method of system analysis and system simulation to get a better P&D plan. The experimental results of this paper show that the total cost of the supplier selection strategy is 5.204 million yuan, and the delayed delivery rate is 30%. The new reconstruction strategy makes the total cost as low as 3,809,700 yuan, and the total delayed delivery rate is as low as 7%.