ABSTRAKCV. XYZ adalah industri kecil yang bergerak pada proses produksi pilar. Sebagian besar aktivitas kerja bersifat manual. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis postur kerja operator pencetakan pilar. Subyek penelitian adalah enam operator yang ditempatkan pada area pencetakan. Penilaian dilakukan dengan menggunakan QEC (Quick Exposure Check), selanjutnya jika nilai yang didapat menganjurkan perbaikan, maka dilakukan survei dengan menggunakan kuesioner NBM (Nordic Body Map). Berdasarkan hasil dari penilaian QEC diperlukan penelitian lebih lanjut dan dilakukan perubahan terhadap postur kerja operator, kemudian dilanjutkan pada kuesioner NBM. Hasil dari kuesioner ini didapatkan beberapa titik tingkat keparahan rasa sakit atas risiko gangguan musculoskeletal dibagian leher (50%) , bahu kiri (50%), bahu kanan (50%), pinggul (66,67%), paha kiri (83,33%), paha kanan (83,33%), lutut kiri (83,33%), lutut kanan (83,33%), dan lengan atas (66,67%). Sedangkan tingkat keparahan rasa sangat sakit atas risiko gangguan musculoskeletal adalah punggung (66,67%). Kata kunci: Postur Kerja, Quick Exposure Check, Nordic Body Map, Musculoskeletal ABSTRACTCV. XYZ is a small industry that is engaged in the production process of pillars. Most work activities are manual. This study aims to analyze the working posture of the pillar printing operator. The research subject were six operators who were placed on the printing area. The assessment is done by using QEC (Quick Exposure Check), then if the obtained value recommends improvement, then a survey is conducted using the NBM (Nordic Body Map) questionnaire. Based on the results of the QEC assessment further research required and changes to the operator's work posture, then proceed to the NBM questionnaire. The results of this questionnaire were obtained several points in the severity of the pain for musculoskeletal disorders risk in the neck (50%), left shoulder (50%), right shoulder (50%), hips (66.67%), left thigh (83.33%), right thigh (83.33%), left knee (83.33%), right knee ( 83.33%), and the upper arm (66.67%). While the severity of pain is very painful for musculoskeletal disorders risk is the back (66.67%). Keywords:. Work Posture, Quick Exposure Check, Nordic Body Map, Musculoskeletal