The research aimed to design a model based on Lean Manufacturing for the productivity of an SME in the Footwear Sector. The methodology used was quantitative, prospective and transversal. The production area was analyzed situationally, determining that the shoe line is the most demanded with 60% of the total produced, and the current productivity is 0.02293 Doc/h-h. Identifying 13 causes as the most influential in low productivity. The Lean tools 5S, SMED, supplier management, and new work methods were structured. Concluding that the company is weak internally and externally, with a weighted of 2.33 and 2.29 in the matrix EFI and EFE respectively, and the time that does not add value in production is 1874 minutes. The current 5s compliance level is 16%, the index of unnecessary materials is 91%, the current set up method lasts 17 minutes, the delivery delay of the profiling process is 383 hours, and current methods of assembly and enlistment work last 213 and 103 minutes respectively. The costs of implementation are S/ 11,051, and the socioenvironmental impact was determined.