Electrospinning is a method based on the use of electrostatic forces for producing continuous fi bres with the diameter from between ten nanometres to some micrometres. Such fi ne fi bres cannot be produced with conventional methods for the production of nonwovens. The nanofi bres formed with electrospinning have an exceptionally large active surface area per mass unit (fi bre surface at diameter of 100 nm equals 40 m 2 /g) and the spinning process itself enables a planned formation of the web structure (e.g. planned size of pores in the web by adjusting the nanofi bre diameter and fi bre thickness). Nanofi bres can be electrospun from synthetic or natural polymers and their blends, from polymers with various nanoparticles (metal, ceramic etc), active substances etc. We can fabricate individual fi bres, as well as webs with a random or planned fi bre arrangement. Fibres with a complex structure, e.g. core shell or hollow fi bres, can be produced with a special electrospinning method. Regarding the advantages demonstrated by the nanofi bres fabricated with electrospinning, this procedure has become an important part of research in seve ral fi elds of use of technical textiles, e.g. shielding materials, air and oil fi lters in the car industry, agrotextiles and most of all medical textiles. The method can also be used in the production of batteries and photovoltaic cells. Apart from the apparatus designed for the research purpose in laboratories, pilot devices and the devices designed for the use in the industry can be found on the market. The paper comprises the introduction of the preparation procedure of nanofi bres on an electrospinning apparatus, the morphological characteristics of fi bres and the characteristics of electrospun webs in dependence of the conditions when forming fi bres. Keywords: nanotechnology, nanofi bres, electrospinning, 3D-structure Tekstilec, 2013, letn. 56, št. 1, str. 4-12
Elektropredenje (electrospinning) je metoda, ki temelji na uporabi elektrostatskih sil za oblikovanje neskončnih vlaken s premerom med deset nanometri in nekaj mikrometri. Tako fi nih vlaken ni mogoče oblikovati s konvencionalnimi metodami izdelave netkanih tekstilij. Nanovlakna, oblikovana po postopku elektropredenja, imajo izjemno veliko aktivno površino na enoto mase (pri premeru 100 nm je površina vlaken 40 m 2 /g), medtem ko sam postopek elektropredenja omogoča tudi načrtno oblikovanje strukture koprene (npr. načrtovanje velikosti por v kopreni z uravnavanjem premera nanovlaken in gostote vlaken). Po postopku elektropredenja lahko izdelamo nanovlakna iz sintetičnih ali naravnih polimerov in njihovih mešanic