Accelerator production of 225 Ac addresses the global supply deficiency currently inhibiting clinical trials from establishing 225 Ac's therapeutic utility, provided that the accelerator product is of sufficient radionuclidic purity for patient use. Two proton activation experiments utilizing the stacked foil technique between 40 and 200 MeV were employed to study the likely co-formation of radionuclides expected to be especially challenging to separate from 225 Ac. Foils were assayed by nondestructive -spectroscopy and by -spectroscopy of chemically processed target material. Nuclear formation cross sections for the radionuclides 226 Ac and 227 Ac as well as lower lanthanide radioisotopes 139 Ce, 141 Ce, 143 Ce, and 140 La whose elemental ionic radii closely match that of actinium were measured and are reported. The predictions of the latest MCNP6 event generators are compared with measured data, as they permit estimation of the formation rates of other radionuclides whose decay emissions are not clearly discerned in the complex spectra collected from 232 Th(p,x) fission product mixtures.