We report on the hydrogen nuclei (protons and deuterons) spectrum from 0.15 to 200 GeV and on the helium nuclei spectrum over the energy range from 0.2 to 100 GeV nucleon~1 at the top of the atmosphere measured by the balloon-borne experiment Cosmic Antiparticle Ring-Imaging Cerenkov Experiment (CAPRICE), which was Ñown from Lynn Lake, Manitoba, Canada, on 1994 August 8È9. We also report on the proton spectrum over the energy range from 0.15 to 4.2 GeV. The experiment used the NMSU-WiZard/CAPRICE balloon-borne magnet spectrometer equipped with a solid radiator RingImaging Cerenkov (RICH) detector and a silicon-tungsten calorimeter for particle identiÐcation. This was the Ðrst time a RICH was used together with an imaging calorimeter in a balloon-borne experiment. These detectors allowed for clear particle identiÐcation, as well as excellent control of the detector efficiencies. The data were collected during 18 hr at a residual mean atmospheric depth of 3.9 g cm~2. With this apparatus 516,463 hydrogen and 32,457 helium nuclei were identiÐed in the rigidity range 0.4 to 200 GV and 1.2 to 200 GV, respectively. The observed energy spectrum at the top of the atmosphere can be represented by (1.1^0