Using various initial components, a complex titaniumsilicon carbide of the composition Ti3SiC2 was synthesized in a high-temperature furnace at 1400 °C for 1 h and by hot pressing at a temperature of 1350 °C, a pressure of 30 MPa, for 15 min. The Rietveld method was used to calculate the content of the Ti3SiC2 phase, which, upon hot pressing, of the Ti : Si : TiC components in a ratio of 1 : 1,2 : 1,8 98,6 vol. %. The microstructure was investigated and the phase composition of hot-pressed materials was studied. The physical and mechanical characteristics of sintered and hot-pressed materials based on the Ti3SiC2 phase have been studied. Ill. 2. Ref. 24. Tab. 3..