“…Compared with the standard value of 137 g crude protein kg −1 DM that DLG15 gives for silage from first‐cut Italian ryegrass in full ear emergence, the crude protein contents of both ensiled cuts of Italian ryegrass in the present experiment (85 and 118 g kg −1 DM respectively) can be considered rather low. However, crude protein contents as low as 100 g kg −1 DM and even lower have frequently been reported, both for silage produced from Italian ryegrass mown at a late vegetative stage (58–99 kg −1 DM)2, 3 and for fresh Italian ryegrass before ear emergence, when high biomass yields could be achieved 16. The difference in crude protein content between the second and the third cut of the present experiment might be related to the difference in regrowth period (38 and 29 days respectively), which was associated with different yields (1.4 and 0.9 t DM ha −1 respectively, data not shown), as well.…”