The Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal effects on photon emission from the quark gluon plasma have been studied as a function of photon mass, at a fixed temperature of the plasma. The integral equations for the transverse vector function (f (p ⊥ )) and the longitudinal function (g(p ⊥ )) consisting of multiple scattering effects are solved by the self consistent iterations method and also by the variational method for the variable set {p0, q0, Q 2 }, considering the bremsstrahlung and the aws processes. We define four new dynamical scaling variables,, for bremsstrahlung and aws processes and analyse the transverse and longitudinal components as a function of {p0, q0, Q 2 }. We generalize the concept of photon emission function and we define four new emission functions for massive photon emission represented byThese have been constructed using the exact numerical solutions of the integral equations. These four emission functions have been parameterized by suitable simple empirical fits. In terms of these empirical emission functions, the virtual photon emission from quark gluon plasma reduces to one dimensional integrals that involve folding over the empirical g b,aT,L functions with appropriate quark distribution functions and the kinematic factors. Using this empirical emission functions, we calculated the imaginary part of the photon polarization tensor as a function of photon mass and energy. Quark-gluon plasma, Electromagnetic probes, Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal effects, bremsstrahlung, annihilation, photon polarization tensor, photon emission function Quark gluon plasma (QGP) state is expected to be formed in the relativistic heavy ion collisions. In order to identify the plasma or a de-confined state, one needs to study the physical processes in quark matter, that can distinctly and conclusively identify this state of matter, such as parton energy loss leading to jet suppression mechanism. In this context, electromagnetic processes such as photons and dilepton emission are also considered as important signals. Photons and dileptons are emitted at various stages during plasma evolution, for an overview one may see [1,2,3] and the references therein. In depth study of photon emission processes in quarkgluon plasma were reported [4,5] including processes also from hot hadron gas [4]. In the formalism of hard thermal loops [6] (HTL) effective theory, the processes of bremsstrahlung [7] and a crossed process of off-shell annihilation called aws [8,9] contribute to photon emission at the two loop level. These two processes contribute at the leading order O(αα s ) owing to the collinear singularity that is regularized by the effective thermal masses. Higher loop multiple scatterings having a ladder topology also contribute at the same order as the one and two loop processes [10,11]. These higher loop rescatterings, each giving finite decoherent correction to the two loop processes, need to be resummed. This resummation effectively implements the Landau-PomarenchkMigdal (LPM) effects [12,13,14] arising due to rescatter- * In...