ABSTRACT. Fish production in a coastal stream from Bacia do Leste, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Production rates (P) and biomass (B) of two stream-dwelling fish species from seven sites in the Ubatiba drainage were studied during two years with contrasting rainfall indexes. In order to test the potential correlation between P, B and the Environmental Heterogeneity Index (EHI) of each site, simple correlation analyses were applied. The analyses did not show significant differences (p<0.01). Spatial pattern of P indicated that production rates of both species are highly homogeneous in the studied sites but are low when compared with other stream-dwelling fishes from the Holartic region. Mean P , B dry = 12.2 kg.ha -1 , with significant higher values during the dry year (t (B)= 2.41; p = 0.03 e t (P)= 2.28; p = 0.04). In spite of presenting a tendency similar to that found for A. hastatus, mean P and B values for Geophagus brasiliensis (Quoy & Gaimardi, 1824) did not show significant differences (t (B) = 1.5; p = 0.16 and t (P) = 1.75; p = 0.11) between years: P rainy = 25.2 kg. , com valores significativamente superiores durante o ano seco (t (B)= 2,41; p = 0,03 e t (P)= 2,28; p = 0,04). Apesar de ter apresentado tendência semelhante à registrada para A. hastatus, os valores de P e B de Geophagus brasiliensis (Quoy & Gaimardi, 1824) não se mostraram significativamente diferentes (t (B) = 1,5; p = 0,16 e t (P) = 1,75; p = 0,11) entre os anos de estudo, sendo P chuvoso = 25,2 kg.ha -1 .ano -1, P seco = 53,2 kg.ha -1 .ano -1 e B chuvoso = 16,6 kg.ha -1 , B seco = 29,7 kg.ha -1 . As reduções de P durante o ano de maior pluviosidade foram de 57% e 47% para A. hastatus e G. brasiliensis, respectivamente. Os valores médios da relação P/B mostraram tendência a redução em relação ao aumento de tamanho dos indivíduos de ambas as espécies.