DOI: 10.1007/s11746-016-2929-z
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Production of High‐Melting Symmetrical Monounsaturated Triacylglycerol‐Rich Fats from Mango Kernel Fat by Acetone Fractionation

Abstract: properties and solid fat content values were superior to those in traditional confectionery fats, indicating that the tailored stearins could be used as ideal CBI. In particular, the hard fat blends consisting of 55-70% cocoa butter (CB) and 30-45% fraction II were considered as the preferred heat-resistant chocolate ingredients. In addition, the mixture of the oleins (fraction III) was rich in diunsaturated and triunsaturated triacylglycerols and showed similar thermal properties to super palm oil, thus makin… Show more

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Cited by 20 publications
(12 citation statements)
References 30 publications
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“…Stearin fractions contained 58.3%–61.7%, 36.1%–33.8%, and 4.4%–5.52% of SFA, MUFA, and PUFA, while these contents in olein were 38.2%–40.9%, 48.2%–50.2%, and 10.9%–11.54%, respectively. The fatty acids contents in BKF fractions were in agreement with mango seed fat fractions reported by Jin, Zheng, et al (2017), Jin, Mu, et al (2017), Jin, Wang, et al (2017). The stearin fraction with significantly high level of SFA has higher melting point than the olein fraction and solid at room temperature.…”
Section: Resultssupporting
confidence: 89%
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“…Stearin fractions contained 58.3%–61.7%, 36.1%–33.8%, and 4.4%–5.52% of SFA, MUFA, and PUFA, while these contents in olein were 38.2%–40.9%, 48.2%–50.2%, and 10.9%–11.54%, respectively. The fatty acids contents in BKF fractions were in agreement with mango seed fat fractions reported by Jin, Zheng, et al (2017), Jin, Mu, et al (2017), Jin, Wang, et al (2017). The stearin fraction with significantly high level of SFA has higher melting point than the olein fraction and solid at room temperature.…”
Section: Resultssupporting
confidence: 89%
“…Fractionation of BKF resulted in significant decreased in palmitic and oleic acid contents from 8.4% to 7.73% and 44.5 to 36.02% in stearin (Fraction I and III), whereas the content of stearic acid was increased from 36.0% to 44.72%. Similar findings for mango kernel fat fractions are reported by Jin, Zheng, et al (2017), Jin, Mu, et al (2017), Jin, Wang, et al (2017). Moreover, the contents of palmitic, oleic, and linolenic acids increased, whereas stearic acid decreased in olein fractions.…”
Section: Resultssupporting
confidence: 88%
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“…Kernel fat addition: The use of plant (kernel) fats to act as Cocoa Butter Extenders (CBEs) was further done using mango kernel, palm fractions, shea butter and Bambangan fats. The mango almond fat solid content profile is very similar to that of CB (with its fractions having melting thermogram ranging from 38 C to 42.2 C (Sol ıs-Fuentes and Dur an-de-Baz ua 2004; Sonwai et al 2014;Jin, Mu, et al 2017). Also, initial studies showed that the blends of mango seed fat and palm oil mid fractions in different ratios have similar fatty acid profile as CB (Sonwai, Kaphueakngam, and Flood 2014;Jin et al 2016) and some blends (with palm stearin, SMP: 51.2 C) had a slip melting point as high as 43.7 C that can be used in chocolate formulations (Jahurul, Zaidul, Nik Norulaini, Sahena, Kamaruzzaman, et al 2014).…”
Section: Addition Of Fat For Structural Modificationmentioning
confidence: 78%
“…CB triglycerides generally have saturated fatty acids at sn1 and sn3 position and oleic acid in the sn2 position. Slip melting point of CB is 26.7-27.9 C (Jin, Mu, et al 2017). Some vegetable fats having similar triglyceride composition as CB are used in chocolate formulations mainly categorized as: cocoa butter equivalents (CBEs), cocoa butter substitutes (CBSs) and cocoa butter replacers (CBRs) (Depoortere 2011).…”
Section: Fat Modificationmentioning
confidence: 99%