A route to produce
renewable light olefins from fatty acid methyl
esters (FAMEs), which are originally derived from waste cooking oils,
has been demonstrated on a laboratory scale. Presaturation of FAMEs
prior to their hydrodeoxygenation over sulfided NiMo/Al2O3 catalysts in a fixed bed reactor avoided an undesirable
guard bed fouling, which would appear inevitably when hydrotreating
unsaturated FAMEs under the identical conditions, leading to a smooth
operation during a period of 1000 h. Cracking performance of the resulting
bioparaffins with straight chains were then evaluated in a micropilot
furnace and compared with naphtha cracking. Under a coil outlet pressure
of 0.10 MPa, a coil outlet temperature of 820 °C, a residence
time of 0.23 s, and a steam dilution of 0.75, the overall yield of
C2–C4 olefins when cracking bioparaffins
was 68.4%, much higher than that of naphtha cracking (52.9%). In particular,
the yields of valuable ethylene (36.3%), propylene (18.1%), and 1,3-butadiene
(7.5%) added up to 61.9%, 30% higher than that from naphtha cracking,
indicating the viable potential of the route to produce renewable
light olefins in the existing cracking units.