Using 1 kHz, 9 mJ femtosecond laser pulses, we demonstrate laser-filamentation-induced spectacular snow formation in a cloud chamber. An intense updraft of warm moist air is generated owing to the continuous heating by the high-repetition filamentation. As it encounters the cold air above, water condensation and large-sized particles spread unevenly across the whole cloud chamber via convection and cyclone like action on a macroscopic scale. This indicates that high-repetition filamentation plays a significant role in macroscopic laser-induced water condensation and snow formation. © 2012 Optical Society of America OCIS codes: 120.3940, 140.3450, 260.5130. In the past few years, the Teramobile group demonstrated laser-assisted water condensation both in a cloud chamber and the atmosphere [1][2][3]. The ideas are different from classical cloud seeding by firing massive amounts of carbonic ice, silver iodide, etc., into the atmosphere [4][5][6]. They relied on the generation of highdensity charged particles, which initiated condensation nuclei [1][2][3]7]. The latter further grew in size to form ice crystals in the low-temperature clouds. Due to the high electron density of ∼10 16 cm −3 in the self-guided ionized filaments [8][9][10][11][12], water condensation around the filaments has been observed in both saturated and subsaturated conditions [1]. It was proposed that the photo-oxidative chemistry of nitrogen induces the binary H 2 O-HNO 3 nucleation, on which water droplets could grow [1][2][3]. However, a significant rainmaking would not take place if the cloud seeding via the laser-induced binary H 2 O-HNO 3 nucleation was only limited in and around the filament's active volume, which has a diameter of ∼100 μm [9]. A 100 TW femtosecond laser pulse was used to induce water condensation on a macroscopic scale by generating several hundreds of multifilaments in a beam size of ∼10 cm [13]. It was found that nanoparticle generation increased faster than linearly with the power and with the number of the filaments at laser power beyond 50 TW. Contrary to using a high-energy laser pulse, in this Letter, we demonstrated laser-induced water condensation and spectacular snow formation on a macroscopic scale by firing the filaments of lowenergy femtosecond laser pulses at 1 kHz repetition rate into a cloud chamber.The experiments were performed using a femtosecond Ti-sapphire laser, which delivered 9 mJ/50 fs pulses with a repetition rate of 1 kHz [ Fig. 1(a)]. The laser pulses were focused by an f ∕70 concave mirror and launched into a diffusion cloud chamber filled with ambient air to generate filaments with a length of ∼10 cm [top of Fig. 1(b)