Aims: To optimize the nutritional and environmental conditions for growth of and poly±b-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) accumulation in Bacillus mycoides RLJ B-017. Methods and Results: An isolate, identi®ed as B. mycoides, was grown on different sources of carbon and nitrogen. Among these, sucrose, beef extract and di-ammonium sulphate were found to be the most suitable for growth and PHB accumulation. The overall maximum value of PHB (%) in cells, PHB yield (Y p/s ) and productivities (Q p and q p ) were 69á4 0á4% dry cell weight (DCW), 0á21 g p g S ±1 , 0á104 0á012 g p l ±1 h ±1 and 0á03 g p g x ±1 h
±1, respectively when grown in a medium containing 20 g s l ±1 sucrose, supplemented with di-ammonium sulphate. The addition of beef extract increased the value of PHB (%) in cells, PHB yield and productivities by 17á58 0á3, 23á8, 19á23 0á3 and 13á8 0á2%, respectively. The overall maximum values of PHB (% DCW), PHB yield and productivities were obtained at pH 7á0 0á1, temperature 30 0á5°C, agitation 650 rev min ±1 and oxygen transfer rate 3á8 mmol O 2 l ±1 h ±1 . Conclusions: Sucrose, glucose and fructose were found to be more suitable for cell growth and PHB accumulation, but sucrose was less expensive than glucose. Among the nitrogen sources, beef extract and di-ammonium sulphate promoted PHB synthesis. The accumulation of PHB was observed to be growth associated. Signi®cance and Impact of the Study: Gram-positive bacteria have not been reported to accumulate large amounts of polyhydroxyalkanoate and hence have not been considered as potent candidates for industrial production. A number of Bacillus spp. have been reported to accumulate 9±44á5% DCW PHB. By comparison, Bacillus RLJ B-017 contained 69á4 0á4% DCW PHB. Therefore, this strain has been considered as a potent organism for industrial interest. A relatively high yield of PHB was obtained in this wild strain and PHB synthesis was independent of nutrient limitation. The conditions for the higher PHB yield and productivity will be optimized in the next phase using fed-batch culture.