In this paper we describe the principle of a technique to produce planar and volumetric plasma sources of nearly every element and results of experiments on verification of this technique. This technique is based on a generalization of the LIBORS-process (Laser Ionization BAsed On Resonant Saturation) which because of its similarity to chemical catalytic reactions has been called CATRION (CATalytic Resonance IONization). Characteristics of vapor clouds formed near wide variety of mono-or two-component targets in vacuum with a pulsed ruby laser were investigated. Effect of an intense KrF laser radiation on expanding tantalum-contained and, for comparision, titanium vapor clouds was studied. Photoresonance ionization in saturation mode of tantalum cloud was detected with the help of a frame camera, Langmuir probes and spectroscopic diagnostics.
CATALYTIC RESONANCE IONIZATION AS A TECHNIQUE FOR MULTI-COMPONENT PLASMA PRODUCTIONMany industrial and scientific applications require the production of spatially localized plasma layers near to or in contact with material surfaces in vacuum. For example, such layers are needed in the formation of plasma electrodes for laser ion sources [1 2] and in different types of high power accelerators [3][4][5] . A standard way for the production of the plasma layers is to illuminate a suitable material surface with intense non-resonant laser radiation [6]. At sufficiently high exposure levels a "laser plasma" with a relatively small number of particles but with high ion-temperatures is formed. A more effective way to produce the plasma is by a two-step process [7,8] , where first a neutral gas cloud is produced in one way or another (e.g. by laser radiation) which then can be ionized by means of laser produced shock waves [7], an external UV-fiashlamp [8,9], or a near-surface discharge [10].An alternative way for a dense gas layer ionization is LIBORS technique (Laser Ionization Based On Resonance Saturation) [11][12][13]. A resonant dye-laser radiation provides a high non-Boltzmann population of the corresponding state. Then through high-frequency super-elastic collisions of seed electrons with excited atoms and stimulated bremsstrahlung absorption the radiation energy is transferred to free electrons. Eventually after a subsequent chain of events, the gas becomes ionized practically fully. The advantages of The LIBORS-method (in contrast to "laser plasma" ) is a more effective use of the available laser energy for ionization, and a low temperature of the resulting plasma ions. However, the necessity of a tunable flashlamp-pumped dye laser for the resonant excitation of the vapor limits its practical usefulness. However, due to the photochemical instability of dye lasers [14] and strong thermo-optical distortion of dye solutions they are unsuitable for operation at high repetition rates and for long time periods. In addition, to ionize different atoms one must change from one dye solution to another and tune a dispersive element of the laser. Furthermore, the resonance transitions o...