A short-time increase of quinolizidine alkaloid accumulation can be induced in cell suspension cultures of Lupinus~lyphyll~ by application of foreign alkaloids such as papaverine, coniine, and other compounds like CAMP, polyamines, or even by transfer of the cells into fresh, autoclaved cell culture medium. This induction can be inhibited by cycloheximide. Using the same method of induction we were able to show quinolizidine afkafoid accumulation in ceil cultures of 6 species (Conium macufafum, Duucus carofa, Atropa belladonna, Chenopodium rubrum, Spinacia oieracea, Symphytum officinaie), which are supposed to produce other alkaloids or no alkaloids at all. This indicates that the genes of quinoliiidine alkaloid biosynthesis are obviously not restricted to the Fabaceae family but are widely distributed in higher plants.
fnduetionCell ~spension culture Gene, of alkaloid biosynthesis A lkaioid-ffree ' species 1. I~RO~UCTION Plant natural products, such as flavonoids and lignins, are present in most species, whereas other secondary compounds (e.g., alkaloids) are thought to be present in a limited number of species, genera, or families. Quino~zidine alkaloids are widely distributed in the Fabaceae and are assumed to be specific for this plant family [ 11. Stimulated by experiments [2,3], which implied a wider distribution of lupin alkaloids, we studied if quinolizidine alkaloid biosynthesis takes place also in families other than the Fabaceae. As an experimental approach, we tried modulating the alkaloid metabolism of plant cell suspension cultures of alkaloid-producing species and of alkaloid-'free' species.
MATERIALS AND METHODSCell suspensions of Lupinus polyphyllus, L. luteus, Conium maculatum, Daucus carota, Atropa belladonna, Chenopodium rubrum, Spinacea oleracea, and Symphytum of~~inale were cultured at 25"C, and 16 h of daily illumination (3000 lux) as in [3-61.The activity of oxosparteine synthase [7,8] was assayed according to [9], 2.1. A fkafoid extraction Cells were homogenized in 0.5 M HCl and left standing at room temperature for 30 min. After filtering the homogenate through nylon gauze (100 pm mesh) the filtrate was alkalinized with 25% ammonium hydroxide and applied onto a standard
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