AGRADECIMENTOSAgradecer primeiramente a Deus, por estar presente em todos os momentos da minha vida, por sempre me conduzir e guiar iluminando meu caminho e pela oportunidade de poder concluir mais uma etapa da minha carreira. Além disso colocando pessoas maravilhosas na minha vida.Agradeço à minha orientadora Prof.ª Dr.ª Carmen por todos os ensinamentos, pela paciência e confiança em mim, por sempre me atender com facilidade e por todas as conversas, aconselhando-me novos caminhos a seguir e principalmente pelo grande profissional exemplar que você é, que faz de você uma pessoa maravilhosa e amada por todos. Muito obrigada.Quero agradecer a minha família (pais, irmãos) por todo o carinho, a torcida, porque mesmo de longe vocês acompanharam passo a passo mais uma etapa da minha vida, me dando conselhos e me apoiando, e isso me dá uma energia renovada.Aos amigos membros da equipe Laprof por ter tido a oportunidade de conviver com vocês ao longo dessa caminhada. Marcelo obrigado pela paciência, por todo os ensinamentos e ajuda fundamental para a realização desse mestrado. The food industry is constantly developing products that provide, in addition to nutrients, additional health benefits such as enriched food with vitamins. Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), which is synthesized in the skin during exposure of sunlight, controls the homeostasis of calcium and phosphorus, bone metabolism, blood pressure and renal reabsorption of calcium. The microencapsulation process has been widely applied in food and is a key objective to control the release of active agents at specific time and desired location. The spray chilling technology is interesting for microencapsulation of fat-soluble vitamins. The objective of this work was microencapsulating vitamin D3 using the spray chilling method for the production of solid lipid microparticles (SLM). For the production of the SLM it was used vegetable fat with melting point around at 48 °C as a carrier. Three treatments were established: no additives (T1), 1% of beeswax (T2), and 1% soybean lecithin (T3).The morphology of microparticles was characterized by scanning electron microscopy, laser diffraction (average size) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Additionally, vitamin D3 stability was examined during storage at 10 and 25 °C, through periodic measurements by High-performance liquid chromatography (HLPC). The microparticles obtained were spherical with similar morphology and unimodal size distribution. The average particle size varied according to composition wherein microparticles produced with vitamin and fat were lower than other (83.0% of particles smaller than 100 μm). Spectroscopy in the infrared (FTIR) showed that there was no interaction between the components. The stability of vitamin D3 encapsulated was satisfactory over 65 days with values greater than 87% for the three treatments and temperature have any influence on the stability. The SLM produced with wax showed better stability for vitamin D3 with values of 90.18 ± 2.23% after 65 days of storage....