Aims: To determine the intracytoplasmic expression of TNF-α, IL-2, IL-6 and IFN-γ, ex vivo and in vitro, in both monocytes and T lymphocytes by flow cytometry after appropriate stimulation using phorbol myristate acetate (PMA)/ionomycin or lipopolysaccharides (LPS) in the presence of monensin, in order to assess the bio(in)compatibility of different dialysis membranes. Methods: We examined monocytes and T lymphocytes taken from chronic hemodialysis patients (using either cuprophane (CUP), n = 6; polyacrylonitrile (AN 69), n = 6; or polysulfone (PS), n = 6 membranes), before and after a dialysis session. We compared the results with those obtained from end-stage chronic renal failure patients (n = 3) and healthy volunteers (n = 11). Results: Before any stimulation there was a statistically significant difference in the percentages of TNF-α, IL-6, and IFN-γ- expressing monocytes with respect to the dialysis membrane used. The highest percentages were observed for CUP and AN69 patients with figures of around 30% for each cytokine; the lowest percentages were found in PS patients and healthy volunteers. One hour after LPS stimulation the patterns remained unchanged for TNF-α and IFN-γ, whereas the percentages of IL-6-expressing cells in PS patients and in healthy volunteers reached the figures obtained in the other groups. When we examined the percentage of IFN-γ-, TNF-α- and IL-6-expressing monocytes in patients before and after a dialysis session, before any stimulation, we found that the results were significantly different for the three membranes (p = 0.01). Thus, a dialysis session with polysulfone membranes had no significant effect on the precentages of IFN-γ-, TNF-α-, and IL-6-expressing monocytes, whereas percentages were significantly lower after the dialysis session when using cuprophane or AN69 membranes, suggesting a release of these cytokines by the monocytes during dialysis. A significant number of IFN-γ- and IL-2-expressing T lymphocytes were only detected after 18 hours of PMA/ionomycin stimulation. The percentages of IFN-γ-expressing T cells recorded for the different membranes were not statistically different from those recorded for healthy subjects or pre-dialysis patients, i.e., they were between 11.5 and 20%. However, the percentages of IL-2-expressing T lymphocytes were significantly different between the 5 groups, i.e., 31.3, 30.5, 18.6, 13.9 and 7.6%, respectively, for CUP patients, pre-dialysis patients, healthy volunteers, PS and AN69 patients. This suggests that pre-dialysis and CUP patients have, at baseline, a stimulation of their T lymphocytes. Finally, a 4-hour dialysis session had no impact on the percentages of IL-2-expressing T lymphocytes, whereas it was associated with a significant decrease in the percentage of IFN-γ-expressing cells, but only when cuprophane membranes were used. Conclusion: Cytokine flow cytometry enables one to study, ex vivo, i.e., without any stimulation of the cells, and in vitro after appropriate stimulation, the bio(in)compatibility of dialysis membranes ...