We compared seasonal growth patterns and nutrient (N, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Pb) uptake of Phalaris arundinacea in an unpolluted wetland (Ithaca site) to those growing in a constructed wetland (Fenton site) receiving landfill leachate. Winter aboveground living biomass was higher at Fenton than at Ithaca probably owing to the longer growing season at Fenton caused by the warm leachate, which averaged 4-8*(2 during the winter. Uptake of nutrients was also greater at Fenton, with aboveground and belowground N uptake by plants approximately 35 g m -2. Such uptake means that P. arundinacea over the total area of the beds may utilize about 10% of the yearly N input and lesser amounts of other nutrient elements.