Anemia is a health problem that occurs in all countries, especially developing countries, one of which is Indonesia. According to WHO, anemia in pregnant women is the condition of a mother with a hemoglobin (Hb) level in her blood of less than 11gr/dl as a result of the inability of the tissue that forms red blood cells (Erythtopoetic) in its production to maintain the Hb concentration at a normal level. This service aims to overcome the problems of knowledge and attitudes among WUS women and pregnant women. With counseling and role playing make a match cards, it can increase knowledge and attitudes towards balanced nutrition in WUS mothers and pregnant women so that WUS mothers and pregnant women become enthusiastic about using make a match card role playing so that it makes mothers more interested in playing make a match card roles. In order to create a relationship between groups of mothers in learning to receive material and to make WUS mothers and pregnant women more creative and active in receiving counseling material so that it is easier for mothers to understand and take a stance on balanced nutrition education.