A business process model of inspection in remanufacturing Journal of Remanufacturing
Provided in Cooperation with: SpringerOpenSuggested Citation: Errington, Mark; Childe, Stephen (2013) : A business process model of inspection in remanufacturing, Journal of Remanufacturing, ISSN 2210-4690, Springer, Heidelberg, Vol. 3, pp. 1-22, This Version is available at:
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AbstractA crucial stage of the remanufacturing process is the inspection procedure. Surveys carried out in the automotive remanufacturing sector show that the industry is concerned about the need this causes for a large amount of specialist skills. Despite this, there has been little research into what is actually involved in the inspection process and its outcomes. This paper presents case-based research that was carried out on the inspection procedures of both electronic and mechanical product remanufacturers. It presents generic inspection process diagrams, produced using case studies in UK companies engaged in remanufacturing activities. The models provide a greater understanding of the remanufacturing inspection procedures currently used. The models were tested with additional case studies. The paper discusses the questions raised by the improved understanding of inspection processes in remanufacturing for operations managers and outlines some questions for future research.