The article provides experimental data on the study of application of two probiotic additives - “Sitexflor - 1” and “SGOL-1-40”, included at different dosages in the diets for young pigs, on usage of the supplied nitrogen and their productivity. Such parameters were taken into account when forming the groups as: weaning time (60 and 45 days), preliminary feeding the mothers with the probiotic supplements under study during the suckling period. The results, characterizing the piglet productivity in case of application of “Sitexflor - 1”, convince that the most effective dose is 30 mg per head per day, which provided an average daily gain of 351 g, which is 7.3% more than the control, primarily due to greater nitrogen retention in the body (by 9.91%), but with lower consumption of energy feed units per 1 kg of gain -4.43 (by 11.4%). The results, characterizing the piglet productivity when applying “SGOL -1-40”, reliably confirm its most effective dosage of 2.5% of the dry matter of the diet, which provided an average daily gain of 404 g, which is 15% more than the control, due to greater nitrogen retention in their body (by 4%). Introduction of “SGOL -1-40” in the diet provided a significant reduction in the cost of energy feed units per 1 kg of gain in comparison with the control by 14.3%. The nitrogen balance in the body of young pigs was positive in both experiments, but the amount of nitrogen retained in the body was different. At the same time, even a greater amount of deposited nitrogen in animals in the first experiment did not allow to achieve the expected live weight increase, and in the second experiment, on the contrary, even surpassed it. Such data indicate that the supplied nitrogen with a diet enriched with a probiotic supplement was more effectively used in the body, exceeding the physiological level of its transformation into products.