We point out that in metric spaces Haver's property is not equivalent to the property introduced by Addis and Gresham. We prove that they are equal when the space has the Hurewicz property. We prove several results about the preservation of Haver's property in products. We show that if a separable metric space has the Haver property, and the nth power has the Hurewicz property, then the nth power has the Addis-Gresham property. R. Pol showed earlier that this is not the case when the Hurewicz property is replaced by the weaker Menger property. We introduce new classes of weakly infinite dimensional spaces.In [6] Haver introduced for metric space (X, d) the following property: There is for each sequence (ε n : n < ∞) of positive real numbers a corresponding sequence (V n : n < ∞) where each V n is a pairwise disjoint family of open sets, each of diameter less than ε n , such that n<∞ V n is a cover of X. When a metric space has this property we say it has the Haver property. We consider the Haver property's relation to selection principles.Let A and B be given families of collections of subsets of some set S. Then the following symbols and statements define selection principles for the pair A, B:and {T m : m < ∞} ∈ B. • S fin (A, B): For each sequence (O m : m < ∞) of elements of A there is a sequence (T m : m < ∞) with each T m a finite subset of O m , and {T m : m < ∞} ∈ B. • S c (A, B): For each sequence (O m : m < ∞) of elements of A there is a sequence (T m : m < ∞) with each T m a pairwise disjoint family refining O m , and {T m : m < ∞} ∈ B. It is clear that S 1 (A, B) implies each of S fin (A, B) and S c (A, B). Even for very standard examples of A and B no other implications hold. For example, let S be a topological space, and let O denote the collection of open covers * Tel.