Available online xxxx MSC: primary 54F05, 54D20, 54B10 secondary 03E10 Keywords: LOTS Countably metacompact Product space Subspace of an ordinal StationaryThe second author and Smith proved that the product of two ordinals is hereditarily countably metacompact [5]. It is natural to ask whether X × Y is countably metacompact for every LOTS' X and Y . We answer the problem negatively, in fact, for every regular uncountable cardinal κ, we construct a hereditarily paracompact LOTS L κ such that L κ × S is not countably metacompact for any stationary set S in κ. Moreover we will find a condition on a GO-space X in order that X × κ is countably metacompact. As a corollary, we see that a subspace X of an ordinal is paracompact iff X × Y is countably metacompact for every GO-space Y .A topological space X is said to be countably metacompact if each countable open cover has a point finite open refinement. It is well-known that every LOTS is hereditarily countably metacompact. The second author and Smith proved that the product of two ordinals is hereditarily countably metacompact [5]. It is natural to ask whether X × Y is countably metacompact for every LOTS' X and Y . We answer the problem negatively, in fact, for every regular uncountable cardinal κ, we construct a hereditarily paracompact LOTS L κ such that L κ × S is not countably metacompact for any stationary set S in κ. Moreover we will find a condition on a GO-space X in order that X × κ is countably metacompact. As a corollary, we see that a subspace X of an ordinal is paracompact iff X × Y is countably metacompact for every GO-space Y .Spaces mean regular topological spaces having at least two points. Let < be a linear order on a set X. λ(<) denotes the usual order topology, that is, the topology generated by (a, →) : a ∈ X ∪ (←, b) : b ∈ X ✩