. Can. J. Chem. 67, 508 (1989).During our studies on metal-radiosensitizer complexes, a complex RuC12(dmso)2(4-N021m)2 was found to show better radiosensitizing properties and lower toxicity than the free 4-nitroimidazole ligand; complexes with N-substituted-4-nitroimidazoles were less effective as radiosensitizers (Can. J. Chem. 66, 117 (1988)). In the present study, the effects of replacement of the chloride ligand by bromide, and dimethylsulfoxide (dmso) ligand by tetramethylenesulfoxide (tmso), as well as the use of a wider variety of nitroimidazole ligands, are described. A series of ruthenium(I1) complexes of formulation: R~Cl~(dmso)~L, (L = a 2-nitroimidazole); RuCl,(tmso),,,L,, (L = a 2-or 4-nitroimidazole, m = 1-3 and n = 1 or 2); and RuBr2(dmso)'L,, (L = a 4-nitroimidazole, n = 1 or 2), has been synthesized and characterized by spectroscopic methods, particularly 'H nmr and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The precursors used were RuXz(dmso),, X = C1, Br, and RuCl,(tmso),. ' The N-methyl-4-nitroimidazole (NMe-4-N021m) ligand of the complex R~Br~(dmso)~(NMe-4-NO~Im) chelates through the imidazole-N and the oxygen of NO,. Another substituted 4-nitroimidazole, R S U -3 1~9 ,~ in RuC12(tmso) (RSU-3159), binds through the sulfur and is almost certainly chelated; the complex with a substituted 2-nitroimidazole, R~Cl~(tmso)~(SR-2508), is five-coordinate and probably trigonal bipyramidal. The replacement of dmso by tmso does not markedly alter the redox properties and radiosensitizing ability of the 4-nitroimidazole complexes, but increases their lipophilicity. The tmso complexes (unlike the dmso analogues) do not bind to DNA, as evidenced by non-inhibition of restriction enzymes. The tmso/2-nitroimidazole complexes, in contrast to the dmso analogues, are stable in aqueous media. The substitution of C1-by Br-reduces the radiosensitizing ability of the 4-N021m complexes. At only 200 pM, the complexes RuC12(tmso)2(4-N021m)2 and R~Cl~(tmso)~(SR-2508) have promising sensitizing enhancement ratio values of 1.6 and 1.5, respectively, and require further biological assessment.Key words: ruthenium, nitroimidazoles, sulfoxides, radiosensitizers. Un autre nitro-4 imidazole substitue, le RSU-3159~ que l'on retrouve dans le complexe RuCl,(tmso) (RSU-3 159), se complexe par le soufre et est vraisemblablement chelate; le complexe issu d'un nitro-2 imidazole substituC, le R~Cl~(tmso)~(SR-2508), est pentacoordonnC et est probablement du type trigonal bipyramidal. Le remplacement du dmso par le tmso n'influence pratiquement pas les proprietCs redox et radiosensibilisatrices des complexes nitro-4 irnidazoles; toutefois, ces substitutions augmentent leurs propriCtCs lipophiles. Tel qu'on a pu le demontrer par le fait qu'ils n'inhibent pas les enzymes de restriction, les complexes du tmso (contrairement i leurs analogues dmso) ne se lient pas 2 I'ADN. Par opposition 2 leurs analogues du dmso, les complexes du tmso/nitro-2 imidazole sont stables en solutions aqueuses. La substitution d'un C1-par un Br-rCduit les propriCtCs radio...