Abstract. We characterize the matrices that are products of two (or more) commuting square-zero matrices and matrices that are products of two commuting nilpotent matrices. We also give a characterization of operators on an infinite dimensional Hilbert space that are products of two (or more) commuting square-zero operators and operators on an infinite-dimensional vector space that are products of two commuting nilpotent operators.1. Introduction. Is every complex singular square matrix a product of two nilpotent matrices? Laffey [5] and Sourour [8] proved that the answer is positive: any complex singular square matrix A (which is not 2 × 2 nilpotent with rank 1) is a product of two nilpotent matrices with ranks both equal to the rank of A. Earlier Wu [9] studied the problem. (Note that [9, Lem. 3] holds but the decomposition given in its proof on [9, p. 229] is not correct since the latter matrix given for the odd case is not always nilpotent.) Novak [6] characterized all singular matrices in M n (F), where F is a field, which are a product of two square-zero matrices. Related problem of existence of k-th root of a nilpotent matrix was studied by Psarrakos in [7].Similar results were proved for the set B(H) of all bounded (linear) operators on an infinite-dimensional separable Hilbert space H. Fong and Sourour [3] proved that every compact operator is a product of two quasinilpotent operators and that a normal operator is a product of two quasinilpotent operators if and only if 0 is in its essential spectrum. Drnovšek, Müller, and Novak [2] proved that an operator is a product of two quasinilpotent operators if and only if it is not semi-Fredholm. Novak [6] characterized operators that are products of two and of three square-zero operators.Here we consider similar questions for products of commuting square-zero or commuting nilpotent operators on a finite dimensional vector space or on a infinitedimensional Hilbert or vector space. The commutativity condition considerably restricts the set of operators that are such products. Namely, if A = BC and B, C are commuting nilpotent operators then A is nilpotent as well and it commutes with both B and C. If in addition B and C are square-zero then so is A.In the paper we characterize the following sets of matrices and operators:• Matrices that are products of k commuting square-zero matrices for each k ≥ 2.• Matrices that are products of two commuting nilpotent matrices.• Operators on a Hilbert space that are products of k commuting square-zero operators for each k ≥ 2.