Purpose: Quantification of the impact of a PACS/RIS-integrated speech recognition system (SRS) on the time expenditure for radiology reporting and on hospital-wide report availability (RA) in a university institution. Material and methods: In a prospective pilot study, the following parameters were assessed for 669 radiographic examinations (CR): 1. time requirement per report dictation (TED: dictation time (s)/number of images (examination) x number of words (report)) with either a combination of PACS/ tape-based dictation (TD: analog dictation device/ minicassette/transcription) or PACS/RIS/speech recognition system(RR: remote recognition/transcription and OR: online recognition/self-correction by radiologist), respectively, and 2. the ReportTurnaround Time (RTT) as the time interval from the entryof the first image into the PACS to the available RIS/HIS report. Two equal time periods were chosen retrospectively from the RIS database: 11/2002-2/2003 (only TD) and 11/2003-2/2004 (only RR or OR with speech recognition system (SRS)). The midterm (≥ 24 h, 24 h intervals) and short-term (< 24 h, 1 h intervals) RA after examination completion were calculated for all modalities and for CR, CT, MR and XA/DS separately. The relative increase in the mid-term RA (RIMRA: related to total number of examinations in each time period) and increase in the short-term RA (ISRA: ratio of available reports during the 1st to 24th hour) were calculated. Results: Prospectively, there was a significant difference between TD/RR/OR (n = 151/257/261) regarding mean TED (0.44/0.54/0.62 s (per word and image)) and mean RTT.