Significant part of professionally important qualities for workers of the food industry is the balance of nervous processes. In this study, we decided to study the parameters, the certain severity of which, during the initial diagnosis of the future baker, can provide important information on how much he is predisposed to this type of activity. The purpose of the study is to study the features of ideas about professionally important qualities among workers of the food industry with differences in the severity of the properties of the nervous system. The main research method is the diagnostic technique for temperament of J. Strelau, Liszt Lipman (option II) and “Identification and analysis of professionally important qualities of specialists in the“man-technology”system. In total, 51 food industry workers took part in the study, 34 of which were women and 17 were men aged 23 to 45 years old. In the course of the study, we found differences in the severity of inhibition processes and the mobility of nervous processes among the employees of the baking shop. Next, we examined how these differences in the features of the nervous system can affect other professionally important qualities of bakeryworkers.