The purpose of the article is to identify and structure the source base of genealogical research on the history of science and to clarify the role of information and communication technologies in the development of the digitalization of scientific research.
Research methods. The analysis, characterization and classification of the representative source base of the outlined topic of scientific research based on the use of a conglomerate of general scientific and specific research methods, which together ensured the holistic nature of the study of the scientific problem. The main tools of the research methodology include the following methods: historical and comparative, problematic and chronological, historical and typological, historical and systematic; the method of diachronic analysis and generalization, analogy, synthesis, analysis, and formal logic. The involvement of methodological tools in the scientific study of the problem stated the fixation of the content vectors of the study, which were carried out on the principles of historicism, objectivity, systematicity, and comprehensiveness. The choice of a research strategy or the theoretical and methodological basis of the scientific problem, which were involved and implemented in the process of scientific cognition, made it possible to achieve the goal of scientific research. The use of several general scientific and specific historical methods of scientific research contributed to obtaining new results in the disclosure of this topic. The methodology of oral history, particularly the method of interviewing, has proven to be a valuable tool for scientific research in the context of genealogical research. This approach aims to generalize the testimonies and memories of people who participated in the events directly. The interview method makes it possible to record historical events and their perception from the perspective of specific individuals. Memories are the product of personal thoughts, emotions, and reflections on past events. This individual experience contributes significantly to the understanding and personalization of history. It also enhances the depth and reliability of genealogical studies, adding individual testimonies and personal experiences that enrich the research.
The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that it is for the first time that an attempt has been made to structure information sources on genealogy, which made it possible to form a representative source base for research on the history of science, to determine the effectiveness of Ukrainian scientists, and to substantiate the significance of scientific achievements.
Conclusions. The article deals with the algorithm for forming the representativeness of the source base of genealogical research in the history of science. The importance of involving family and personal archives, materials from the museum and scientific library collections, genealogical reference publications, and statistical collections of various kinds in the source base of the information search is stated. The necessity of using interview memoirs as a significant part of the source base of genealogical research on the history of science is substantiated. The use of oral history makes it possible to identify a new layer of sources in the reproduction of interpersonal relations, creative interests, and everyday life. It has been found that the use of information and communication technologies is one of the significant components of scientific activity in the twenty-first century. The necessity of expanding the range of electronic services in archival, library and museum institutions is argued. Digitalization of archives and libraries is an important factor in ensuring the sustainable development of these research centres. The introduction of electronic information services provides access to resources and enables the preservation of scientific heritage.