The development of surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy
sensors necessitates a deeper understanding of the analyte–nanoparticle
interaction. For optimal reliability, factors that may affect the
resulting spectra need to be understood. First and foremost, the signal
enhancement (and hence the improved sensitivity) offered by these
systems highly relies on the localization of molecules or moieties
in molecules as close as possible to the nanoparticle surface and
decreases the farther a molecule is from the surface. Furthermore,
the relative peak intensity, and thus the possibility to rely on a
specific peak (or set of peaks) to build a calibration curve, depends
on the orientation of the molecule with respect to the metallic surface
due to the tensorial nature of the Raman polarizability. As a consequence,
a change in analyte orientation on a nanoparticle surface impacts
the resulting spectral pattern. Herein, factors that affect analyte
orientation on a nanoparticle surface and their effect on the resulting
SERS spectra are investigated. To do so, two unique nanostar morphologies
and three analytes were selected. SERS spectra were acquired at varying
analyte concentrations, and deconvoluted. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
(XPS) and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were conducted to confirm
the hypothesized adsorbate/nanostars environment. Our study reveals
three factors theorized to impact the molecular orientations: (1)
analyte concentration, (2) nanoparticle surface properties, and (3)
analyte–nanoparticle bond nature. Results herein suggest that
when the analyte concentration is sufficiently high, the molecules
reorient from parallel to perpendicular or remain perpendicular relative
to the nanoparticle surface compared to the situation at low concentration.
The way in which the analyte and nanoparticle interact (e.g., physisorb
or chemisorb) will determine the preferred analyte orientation at
low concentration. If covalently bound, this preliminary orientation
is believed to be dictated by the preferred bond angle between surface
and bound moiety. If physisorbed, the analyte will be parallel relative
to the nanostar surface at low concentrations and then reorient perpendicular
at increased concentrations. The work presented here, explaining in
detail the concentration-dependent nature of the analyte orientation,
will aid in the development of more reliable SERS sensors.