Abstract. The problem of the equilibrium shape and departure C size of two-dimensional dropwise condensation drops on a verti-E cal surface, presented in an earlier work, is extended to include F advancing contact angles to 180 ~ The equation of the surface of f the drop is obtained by minimizing (for a given volume) the total g energy of the drop, consisting of surface and gravitational energy, K using the techniques of variational calculus. The solution is L tractable once the advancing contact angle is known, and is taken P, Q as an approximation to the axial meridian profile of a three-U dimensional drop. The receding contact angle is obtained as part V of the solution,x, y The drop size is specified by imposing its vertical length in t/, fl contact with the wall. A maximum value of this length exists 2 which provides a real solution, and this is taken as the departure 0 size of the drop. It is shown that the general departure shape for 0, Y an advancing contact angle of 180 ~ includes the cases for all a advancing contact angles. 0Weitere [Jberlegungen zur zweidimensionalen Kondeusation,