One of the skills that is the main focus in facing the era of society 5.0 is numeracy literacy. Unfortunately, the results of the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) show that the numeracy literacy skills of students in Indonesia are still relatively low in general. To overcome this, educators need to understand the factors and solutions that can affect the low numeracy literacy of students, especially elementary schools. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to collect, summarize and analyze the problematic components of numeracy literacy in elementary schools through the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method with the PRISMA approach. The data from this study was retrieved using the Publish or Perish application on the Googlescholar database using the keywords "mathematics problem" AND "elementary school" OR "elementary school", AND "numeracy literacy" OR "numeracy literacy". The results showed several factors that were found to cause low numeracy literacy involving aspects of teaching experience, students' mathematical self-efficacy, availability of teaching materials, student behavior problems, principal support, and minimal school facilities. Solutions to improve numeracy literacy of primary school students include the development of effective teaching methods, further research to improve students' understanding and self-efficacy, support to teachers through the development of learning resources, literacy strengthening strategies at the school level, investment in educational facilities, and the implementation of learning models that suit students' needs