Purpose. The purpose of this study was to determine the Psychological Characteristics of Karate Martial and Pencak Silat Athletes Special Sport Class Viewed from Gender
Materials and Methods. Sports psychology is the study of a person's behavior in sports and sports activities. One of the sports that requires knowledge of sports psychology in the coaching process is martial arts and karate. The type of research used in this research is quantitative research using surveys. This research is a study used to test hypotheses about the relationship between the psychological characteristics of pencak silat karate athletes and the Special Sports Class of pencak silat in Surakarta in terms of gender. The data analysis technique used Miles and Huberman analysis and independent sample test with the test flow used in this study using SPSS version 23.
Results. The results of data analysis showed that the hypothesis testing of the psychological characteristics of male and female karate martial arts athletes, it is known that the t value is 0,509 with α 0,620 (p0,05). While the analysis of hypothesis testing on male and female pencak silat martial arts athletes obtained a t value with α 0,837 (p0,05).
Conclusions. The analysis obtained p 0,05, then Ho is accepted. It can be concluded that at a significance level of 0,05 there is no significant difference between the psychological characteristics of male and female karate athletes in the Surakarta Special Sports Class (KKO) in terms of gender.