a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c tAvailable online xxxx A 3-DOF (degrees-of-freedom) multi-mode translational/spherical PM (parallel mechanism) with lockable joints is a novel reconfigurable PM. It has both 3-DOF spatial translational operation mode and 3-DOF spherical operation mode. This paper presents an approach to the type synthesis of translational/spherical PMs with lockable joints. Using the proposed approach, several 3-DOF translational/spherical PMs are obtained. It is found that these translational/spherical PMs do not encounter constraint singular configurations and self-motion of sub-chain of a leg during reconfiguration. The approach can also be used for synthesizing other classes of multi-mode PMs with lockable joints, multi-mode PMs with variable kinematic joints, partially decoupled PMs, and reconfigurable PMs with a reconfigurable platform.