From birth, vision guides our movement, facilitates social interaction and accords recognition and understanding of the environment. In children, vision underpins development of these skills, and is crucial for typical development. Deficits in visual processing may lead to impairment of cognitive, motor, and social development, placing children at risk of developing features of autism.Severe early onset visual dysfunction accords the greatest risk. Cerebral Visual Impairment (CVI) can lead to disorders of cognitive and social development that resemble Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Similarly, children who appear primarily affected by cognitive and social developmental disorders, can manifest a range of visual and perceptual deficits that may be contributory to their disorder. This dual perspective highlights the need for links between impaired vision and neurodevelopmental disorders to be identified and acted upon by means of applying appropriate social and educational strategies. There is good evidence to show that targeted systematic screening for visual and perceptual impairments, and implementation of long-term management approaches, is now required for all at risk children.