Active stabilization in systems with zero or negative stiffness is an essential element of a wide variety of biological processes. We study a prototypical example of this phenomenon at a microscale and show how active rigidity, interpreted as a formation of a pseudo-well in the effective energy landscape, can be generated in an overdamped ratchet-type stochastic system. We link the transition from negative to positive rigidity with correlations in the noise and show that subtle differences in out-of-equilibrium driving may compromise the emergence of a pseudo-well. The response of a living system to mechanical loading depends not only on the properties of the constituents and their connectivity, but also on the presence of nonthermal endogenous driving [1]. Thus, molecular motors can either stiffen the cytoskeleton through actively generated pre-stress [2] or fluidize it by facilitating remodeling [3]. Powered by ATP hydrolysis, living systems can also operate in mechanical regimes with negative passive stiffness as in the case of hair cells [4,5] and muscle halfsarcomeres [6,7]. In those cases metabolic resources are used to modify the mechanical susceptibility of the system and stabilize the apparently unstable states [8][9][10].At the structural level, active rigidity may be the outcome of tensegrity tightening [11], connectivity change [12], steric interactions [13], or the prestress exploiting strong nonlinearity of the passive response [14,15]. ATP induced stiffening can even take place at the level of individual structural elements as in the case of the Frank-Starling effect in cardiac muscles that cannot be explained by a simple filament overlap change [16].In this Letter we show that active rigidity can also emerge at the micro-scale level through resonant nonthermal excitation of molecular degrees of freedom as in the case of an inverted pendulum [17]. Following this inertial prototype, we construct an example of a mechanically unstable overdamped system where stabilization and creation of a new pseudo-well in the effective energy landscape can be induced by a colored noise. The proposed mechanism of rigidity generation requires a finite distance from equilibrium and is therefore different from the more conventional entropic stabilization [18]. The possibility of actively tunable rigidity opens interesting prospects not only in biomechanics [19] but also in engineering design incorporating negative stiffness [20] or aiming at synthetic materials stabilized dynamically [21,22].We illustrate our idea on a simple bi-stable mechanical system described by a single collective variable: the negative stiffness is viewed as a result of coarse-graining in a microscopic system with domineering long range interactions [23]. We assume that this 'snap-spring' is exposed to both thermal and correlated noises and acts against a linear spring which qualifies it as a molecular motor operating in stall conditions [24]. Instead of the conventional focus on active force, we study in this Letter a possibility of generating ...