Almost all single-family detached house in Canada consume huge electricity for space heating and domestic hot water (DHW) purposes. There are many possibilities to design an energy-efficient house. A solar water heating system can be used for domestic water and space heating. Water temperature can be kept constant always by connecting a heat pump or oil burner because solar energy is intermittent. Proper and optimized solar photovoltaic and collector design, tank design, heat pump selection, house insulation, total demand calculation in each section are essential. Energy-Efficient house design has been proposed with water heating and space heating system and compared with the existing system, solar PV based systems, and solar collector based system. The tracking and non-tracking based solar thermal collector based and the solar photovoltaic based system has been compared in this paper and investigate the suitable one for practically applicable and acceptable by the people. Simulation has been done by using the PolySun software. It found that by implementing the proposed PV based system with tracking is highly suitable considering lower cost, high output power, flexibility, easy installation.