Laboratory assayswere used to compare the ability of commerciallyproduced Trichogramma spp. to parasitize eggs of the obliquebanded leafroller.Choristoneura rosaceana (Harris), in the laboratory mld field. Trichogramma platneri Nagarkatti parasitized more obliquebanded leafroller eggs per egg mass than did Trichogmmlrw pretiosum Riley or TrichogramllUl minutum Riley produced by either of 2 insectaries. T millutum produced at 1 insectary caused significantlymore host mortality by host feeding and repiercing than by parasitism. Variation in parasitoid performance frDm different insectaries and among shipments from the same insectary was common. Youngegg masses were more heavilyparasitized than old egg masses. Parasitism increased as the number of conspecific female Trichograrnma spp. placed on the same host increased, but the number of eggs parasitized per female decreased. Exposure of host egg masses to female TrichogramllUl spp. prevented additional oviposition in the same egg mass by conspecific,ovipositionally experienced females but had no effect on parasitism by conspecific, ovipositionally naive females. The method used to attach sentinel egg masses to foliageinRuenced parasitism rates. Moistening the leaf with water and adhering the egg mass to the moistened leaf had the least impact. Inundative releases of TricTlOgrarnma spp. into an apple orchard paralleled laboratory assays by showing greater parasitism of obliquebanded leafroller egg masses by T platneri than \vith T minutum. However, extreme differences observed in field performance between the 2 species was not predicted from the assays.KEY WORDS Choristolleum rosaceana, TrichogmrnllUl spp., apple, biological control OBLIQUEBANDEDLEAFROLLER, Choristoneura rosaceana (Harris), is a major pest of apples in New York State. In some orchards, fruit damage from this pest can reach 20%, even when multiple insecticide applications are used for control (Lawson et al. 1996). One alternative control strategy being investigated for this pest is inundative release of commercially produced egg parasitoids of Trichogramma spp. Casual assessments in insecticidetreated commercial orchards have revealed as many as 40% of the obliquebanded leafroller egg masses parasitized by endemic Trichogramma spp., with =50 parasitized eggs per located egg mass. Hassan (1990) suggested that when selecting Trichogramma spp. for augmentative release, attributes which directly influence field performance, such as searching ability (habitat location, host location), host preference (recognition, acceptance, suitability), and tolerance to environmental conditions, should be evaluated. Hassan (1994) outlined a 3-step procedure for assessing the suitability of Trichogramma spp. First, the contact and parasitism method for evaluating host preference was recommended to screen host suitability and preference of Trichogramma spp. quickly in the laboratory. The Trichogramma spp. that indicate high levels of host acceptance would be examined under semi field conditions to assess search...