This master thesis describes a research project conducted within the department of service development at Vanderlande Industries in Veghel. The objective of the thesis is to gain insights into the process of using condition monitoring data to determine an appropriate maintenance policy. A framework is developed for implementation of a condition-based maintenance program. Within this framework, the criteria for a unit to monitor, relevant aspects on the condition parameter to monitor, the available prognostic models, and the determination of an appropriate maintenance policy is discussed. Finally, the implementation of a condition-based maintenance program on a unit of Vanderlande Industries is evaluated. First of all, I would like to thank my supervisors of Eindhoven University of Technology. First, Alaa Elwany for his feedback and tips during our meetings within the first months of the research project. Furthermore, I would like to thank Geert-Jan van Houtum for providing guidance and for helping me to keep a structured overview on the problem. Also, I
II Preface & AcknowledgementsThisthank Tarkan Tan for his ideas and contribution to the project.I would like to thank Vanderlande Industries for providing me with an interesting research topic, and for the opportunity to graduate within the company. Especially, I thank Erlend Hessel for supervising my daily activities at Vanderlande Industries. I enjoyed our weekly meetings in which we shared insights on the research focus, and during which I gained insights into the organizational ways of the company.I enjoyed the working environment at the service development department. Therefore, I would like to thank all my colleagues for the pleasant atmosphere at the company and for providing me with valuable information for my research.Special thanks goes out to Herman Rooijakkers, for providing me with a lot of valuable information and for spending the little time he had available on our meetings. I end these acknowledgements by thanking my parents for giving me the opportunities to explore my talents, and my friends for the memories on the good times outside the academic life that will never fade.
Henk StadhoudersVeghel, 2011 v
III Executive SummaryVanderlande Industries (VI) is an internationally operating company specialized in the design and implementation of automated material handling systems. The four business units of VI provide solutions for Distribution, Express Parcel & Postal, Baggage Handling, and Services. Although this research is focusing on Distribution-and Baggage Handling Systems, the results can be generalized internally across all business units, as well as externally outside the company boundaries.In order to increase the reliability and performance of systems, companies strive towards a pro-active maintenance strategy instead of using conventional preventive maintenance tactics and reactive fire-fighting techniques as typically used within industries. This enables a more efficient use of resources, time and money and will most importantl...