Percutaneous radiological treatment of varicocele is a minimally invasive technique, which is well tolerated by patients and able to significantly improve seminal parameters. The principal technical limitation to percutaneous treatment is related to difficult selective catheterisation of the spermatic vein due to anatomic alterations, spasms and intimal dissection of the vein. Moreover, when the cremasteric vein is incontinent, inguinal surgical ligation provides better results. In the majority of cases, administration of at least 3 ml sclerosing agent at 3% ensures occlusion of the gonadic vein above the abdominal collaterals, which are responsible for long-term recurrence if not treated. In the remaining cases, absolute alcohol and metallic coils can be used to complete the treatment. The positive results in seminal parameters do not, however, allow for reliable assessment of patients' fertility. Finally, we believe that radiological procedures are not indicated or justified when prolonged catheterisation with elevated gonadic irradiation is needed.