Amiodarone, a class III antiarrhythmic with beta-adrenergic blocking and antimuscarinic properties, has a wide spectrum of clinical use in humans. This study was conducted to establish the effects of a 25 mg/kg q12h loading dose and a 30 mg/kg q24h maintenance dose of amiodarone, each given PO for 3.5 weeks, on systemic arterial pressure, echocardiographic (ECHO) indices of left ventricular function, ECGs, exercise tolerance, and serum biochemistries in adult, clinically normal dogs. Means were calculated and were compared by analysis of variance with repeated measures. When a significant F statistic was identified, specific means were compared by Bonferroni's post hoc test. Body weight and heart rate (HR) decreased, and PQ, QT, and corrected QT (QTc) increased significantly (P Ͻ .05) for the weeks that the dogs received the loading dose, but all parameters returned to values the same as those in the pretest for the weeks when dogs received the maintenance dose. Serum activity of hepatic enzyme activities and cholesterol concentrations increased, and serum concentrations of thyroid hormones (triiodothyronine [T 3 ] and thyroxine [T 4 ]), phosphorous, and total carbon dioxide decreased. The changes in PQ, QT, and QTc are similar to those obtained previously, but the detailed ECG and ECHO observations have not been reported. A dose of 25 mg/kg q12h, but not 30 mg/kg q24h, is an appetite suppressant, and the lower dose produces neither ECG nor ECHO changes of clinical or toxicological significance in normal dogs.Key words: Conscious; Echocardiography; Electrocardiography; Noninvasive; Sphygmomanometer; Treadmill.A miodarone is an antiarrhythmic compound useful in humans for the treatment of both atrial fibrillation and ventricular arrhythmias.1-3 It possesses properties of all 4 classes of antiarrhythmics, in that it is a partial blocker of inactivated sodium channels (a class I effect), it is a noncompetitive beta blocker (a class II effect), it is an L-type calcium channel blocker (a class IV effect), and it is a blocker of potassium channels (a class III effect). 4 It has a marked advantage over other class III antiarrhythmics, increasing its preference because it is less likely to produce torsades de pointes. It binds preferentially to open potassium channels and therefore causes less ''reverse-use dependence,'' which means as heart rate (HR) increases, the efficacy of drug decreases. 4 Previous studies in dogs with single IV doses have shown safety up to doses of 10 mg/kg, no hemodynamic effect other than a small decrease in myocardial contractility, and no change in QT or corrected QT (QTc)-indicators of predisposition to torsades de pointes. 5,6 Two studies have been conducted reporting effects of amiodarone on exercise capacity in dogs with old myocardial infarcts. 7,8 In one, the compound was given PO for only 1 week, and dogs were exercised at submaximal effort while coronary blood flow and left ventricular pressure were monitored. Compared to dogs not receiving amiodarone, dogs receiving the compound a...