The search for biological markers to assess metastatic involvement of the lymph nodes in gastric cancer is one of the key steps in determining treatment tactics. The role of Ki-67 as a marker of cell proliferation in gastric cancer remains relevant. The aim of our study is to determine the Ki-67 threshold value for predicting the lymph nodes metastases. A retrospective analysis of 154 patients with gastric cancer showed an independent and statistically significant relationship between the depth of tumor invasion T (p = 0.002), the differentiation grade G (p = 0.010), the value of the Ki-67 index (p < 0.0001) and metastatic involvement of the lymph nodes. Using ROC analysis we found that Ki-67 ≥ 45 % correlates with the optimal level of sensitivity (55.9 %), specificity (84.2 %) and accuracy (73.4 %) of the method AUC 0.738 (p >< 0.043; 95 % CI 0,654–0,823). When evaluating the overall survival of patients>< 0.0001) and metastatic involvement of the lymph nodes. Using ROC analysis we found that Ki-67 ≥ 45 % correlates with the optimal level of sensitivity (55.9 %), specificity (84.2 %) and accuracy (73.4 %) of the method AUC 0.738 (p < < 0.043; 95 % CI 0,654–0,823). When evaluating the overall survival of patients >0.043; 95 % CI 0,654–0,823). When evaluating the overall survival of patients with Ki-67 > 45 %, we found that the median OS was 32 months [HR 2.2; 95 % CI 1.2–3,9; p = 0.005], while it was not reached in the group with Ki-67 < 45 %.A Ki-67 level of ≥ 45 % is the optimal threshold for determining the likelihood of lymph node metastasis in gastric cancer.