Understanding the mechanisms of colorectal cancer development and progression is important for disease management. Mitochondria being the energy source of eukaryotic cells play a significant role in intestinal homeostasis.
Objective: The aim of the study is to examine cytochrome C level in mitochondria isolated from cells of different parts of the colon in men and women.
Materials and Methods. The authors analyzed the materials obtained from 132 patients with colon cancer T2-3N0M0 (52 women and 80 men). Mitochondria from human intestinal and tumor tissue cells were isolated by differential centrifugation. Then, cytochrome C concentration (ng/mg protein) was determined by ELISA.
Results. When studying the cytochrome C level in tumor tissue from various parts of the colon in men, we found that cytochrome C level in tumor mitochondria of the rectum, sigmoid colon and ascending colon was higher than that in the mitochondrial cells of the corresponding tissues by 1.8, 1.5 and 2.0 times, respectively. In women, cytochrome C level in the mitochondrial tumors of the same parts of the colon was higher than that in the mitochondria of the corresponding tissues by 2.9, 1.4 and 2.0 times, respectively.
Conclusion. A common pathological characteristics of tumor mitochondria in all parts of the colon was a high cytochrome C level. It may be associated with the intensification of cellular respiration processes in the tumor contributing to its growth.